The purpose of this page is to provide technical help for staff and students.
DER Network access filesThese files should work with iPhone 5, ipad 2, ipad mini, ipad 3 and newer. MacBook laptops running 10.7 and greater.
Tuncurry Campus specific file. General DER file - for Forster and other sites. To use these files : Click on the link using safari, and enter data as required. (name.surname@detnsw is uername required. Your usual password is required.) On a laptop you may have to double click on the document. |
Getting DEC mail on your iOS device (staff).Use file here
This file configures email for an IOS device for NSW DEC. Use your\short username as username. eg "\gstokes1" your short username can be found by looking yourself up in the portal directory search. Use your normal email address when prompted. Use your normal DEC password ================== See the instructions here. If these don't work, manually change the domain to "" and use your short username. find this by looking yourself up in the directory on your staff portal. Or look at this copy of my settings -( it does not matter if you use or |
students access to their school U drive from a Mac
Easiest way is to modify an applescript. download this document doubleclick on it and edit the username and password save it on your desktop and doubleclick to run |